Birdsacre hosts rotating exhibits focusing on the wonder of birds and challenges they face that we all can help to lessen. Presented first in the Nature Discovery Center, the exhibits are moved online at the end of the season. Be sure to visit Birdsacre to view the presentations in their larger format.
These exhibits are offered through the generous support of Downeast Audubon!
Selected exhibit images are available for loan to local classrooms and presentations can be arranged at Birdsacre or your site upon request.
1. Magnificent Migration
Witness the magnificent migration that has been ongoing for thousands of generations. Every spring an immense flow of birds flies over land and sea, making their way to summer breeding grounds. Each fall, these birds, and their young, repeat this long journey, returning to their winter habitats.
2. Migration Challenges
Coming soon!
Swimming in Plastic
Plastic is important, but plastic also is forever. And it is filling our land and oceans, harming birds, other wildlife, and us. We can take steps to reduce plastic in our homes and communities through small personal actions and advocacy.
Feather Thieves
In the late 1800’s, birds and feathers became all the rage from fashion to home décor to flyfishing. In the late 1800’s public outcry about the devastation raised awareness, ultimately resulting in the federal Migratory Bird Act of 1918. Today, protections offered by this Act, and other local and global conservation efforts, are as important as ever in the protection of birds and the environment we share.